This option allows the buyer to stay on a known and trusted environment.
The payment is fluid and cart abandonment are rare.
It is possible to use a custom template if payment page integration is used.
For more details: Implementation of a Custom Template
The iframe is web responsive and can be integrated in a mobile application.
Table of Contents
iFrame implementation summary
- Setting up the iframe in the merchant's checkout page
- Configuring the URL passed to the src atttribute
- Preparing URLSuccess and URLFailure parameters with successful and error return URLs
- Placing these 2 parameters in the hash of the Data parameter
- Passing Data as a parameter of the URL provided to the src attribute of the iframe
- Added the CustomField14=iframe parameter to have only the display of the payment block
- Creation of the 'Success' and 'Failure' pages
- Preparing the HTML code for redirect-success and redirect-failure
- Implementation of redirection in JavaScript
- Integration of the postMessage method in redirect-success and redirect-failure
- Integrating the Event Listener into the merchant's checkout page
Setting up the iframe and configuring the URL passed to the src attribute
iframe & customField14 tag
An iframe is an HTML tag that allows you to embed one HTML page into another.
To do this, you must use the <iframe> tag and specify the URL of the page you want to display in the src attribute. The checkout page URL must contain the following value: customField14=iframe.
<!DOCTYPE html> <HTML lang="en"> <HEAD> <META charset="UTF-8" /> <META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <TITLE>Site marchand - commande</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> ... <IFRAME src="…ASDF&CustomField14=iframe" /> ... </BODY> </HTML>
It will be necessary to pass the parameters required to the payment with this URL
At a minimum: MerchantID, Data, and Len
Settings: Height & Width
In pixel
<IFRAME src="…ASDF&CustomField14=iframe" height="600" width="800" />
#payment-iframe { height: 600px; width: 800px; } // ou pour un rendu fullscreen #payment-iframe { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; } <IFRAME id="payment-iframe" src="…ASDF&CustomField14=iframe" />
Creation of the 'Success' and 'Failure' pages
When the bearer submits the payment form, a request is sent to the Axepta server.
If the payment is validated, a successful response is sent. Otherwise, an Error response will be issued.
The goal is to display a success or failure page instead of the iFrame based on the payment result.
Note: The server returns an HTTP response with the POST method. We must therefore create a route on the server of the merchant site to process this answer.
If you want to redirect the user to a page of the merchant site displayed instead of the iframe, it will be necessary to provide a redirect page.
- URLSuccess:
- URLFailure:
The merchant creates these pages that will be displayed when the bearer is redirected.
Each will run a script that will redirect the user to the page in success or payment error.
The implementation of this script is indicated in the next section.
Implementation of redirection in JavaScript
Intégration of postMessage
method in redirect-success
and redirect-failure
The postMessage solution "enables secure cross-domain communication".
The goal is to "communicate" with the parent page. This communication will be done through a MessageEvent type event
<!DOCTYPE html> <HTML lang="en"> <HEAD> <META charset="UTF-8" /> <META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <TITLE>Site marchand - redirection</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT> function sendMessage() { // we target the parent page with window.parent // and send it a postMessage window.parent.postMessage( // message in character string "payment success", // we specify the message origin "" ); } sendMessage(); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>
The failure page must also be created.
Integrating the Event Listener into the payment page
In the page that contains the iframe, we will set up an event listener. It will be responsible for performing a function when it receives a message event.
<!DOCTYPE html> <HTML lang="en"> <HEAD> <META charset="UTF-8" /> <META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <META name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <TITLE>Site marchand - commande</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT> // sur la page courante // on place un écouteur avec la méthode addEventListener window.addEventListener( // type d'évenement à écouter "message", // fonction de retour (callback) qui sera exécutée // quand un évenement de type "message" sera émis (event) => { // Si l'origin n'est pas la même que celle placée dans le message // on arrête l'exécution de la fonction if (event.origin !== "") return; // on redirige l'utilisateur sur la page souhaitée window.location.href = ""; } ); </SCRIPT> ... <IFRAME src="…ASDF&CustomField14=iframe" /> ... </BODY> </HTML>
Dynamic customization
Other custom fields can be added to the request in order to dynamically change the look and feel of the iframe.
Please find below the fields available :
- CustomField100 : Background color
- CustomField101 : Colour of button text when button is enabled
- CustomField102 : Colour of button background when button is enabled
- CustomField103 : Color of button text on hover when button is enabled
- CustomField104 : Colour of button background on hover when button is enabled
- CustomField105 : Colour of button text when button is disabled
- CustomField106 : Colour of button background when button is disabled
The hexadecimal colour values must be used in the CustomField fields and the '#' symbol must be encoded so it will be replaced by the value '%23'.
For example, to display a red button (when the button is enabled), the Customer Field102 must be enhanced as follows: CustomField102=%23FF0000.