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TemplateManager allows upload and management of templates for Hosted Payment Page, PaySSL and PaySDD.

"Optional" flag

Functions that are flagged as "optional" within Axepta Backoffice might not be enabled within Axepta Backoffice you are using. Axepta Sales will be happy to enable these functions for you when necessary.


Templates can be used to customize the payment forms available in Axepta. There are three different payment forms available:
Hosted Payment Pagepaymentpage.aspx

The Hosted Payment Page displays all supported paymethods that are configured for your specific MerchantId.

In case of credit card payments the Credit Card Form is then finally used.

Credit Card Formpayssl.aspxThe Credit Card Form is used to customize credit card payments via endpoint payssl.aspx.
Direct Debit Formpaysdd.aspxThe Direct Debit Form is used to customize direct debit payments via endpoint paysdd.aspx.

TemplateManager process

With our TemplateManager you are able to do this all on your own and nearly in real-time:

  • upload your template file into TemplateManager
  • the file is automatically scanned for syntax errors
  • if check is ok the template file is distributed to the Axepta web servers
  • you can see the result in TemplateManager and you are automatically informed via email.

Details of process and scan results can be found below.

Usage of TemplateManager

The template manager form looks like this:

Accessing TemplateManager

Select "Administration" (1) and "TemplateManager" (2) to see the TemplateManager form.

(info) your MerchantId and user needs specific permission

Uploading new template

To upload a new template file pls. select "Template-file upload" (3).

Please select the desired template file (8) and select either the TemplateId you would like to override or add a new template (9). Finally confirm upload (10).

The template is uploaded and upload is confirmed with:

The template is immediately scanned and displayed in the list of uploaded templates after pressing button "Search and Filter".

If scanning process detected an error you will see a message like this:

Further error messages can be found here: TemplateManager error messages

Template requirements

Some notes on specific requirements for usage of TemplateManager

  • you can only upload template files for your own MerchantId
  • if you want to provide templates for other MerchantIds you need to upload and pretest with your own MerchantId; then inform Axepta Support that your template should be available for other merchants, too.
  • the maximum size per template is limited to 5 MByte
  • the template name and structure have to follow a pattern described below.

Naming conventions

The template file itself is a ZIP file which has to follow this naming convention with:

TemplateIndicating that the file is a XSLT-Template
YearMonthDayDate of that file, please use current date in format yyyymmdd, e.g. 20220128

3 digit version number. The version number is not checked and not enforced to be in a sequence.

For your own structure we recommend to use sequence numbers like this:

000 - 099for your own usage, no specific meaning
100 - 199range used for Payment Page templates (i.e. templates for paymentpage.aspx)
200 - 299range used for Credit Card templates (i.e. templates for payssl.aspx)
300 - 399range used for Direct Debit templates (i.e. templates for paysdd.aspx)

This must be your own MerchantId, case-sensitive ! e.g. MyMerchantId – as displayed in , e.g.:

.zipThe template file must be packed as a ZIP file – without password, ...

Template Structure

You may add an additional text into your template to upload multiple templates for different purpose / usage. By this it is possible to have

  • one set of templates for common use, e.g.
    • MerchantId_PaymentPage.xsl + xml
    • MerchantId_PaySSL.xsl + xml
    • MerchantId_PaySDD.xsl + xml
  • specific set of templates for SpecificCustomerJourney
    • MerchantId_SpecificCustomerJourney_PaymentPage.xsl + xml
    • MerchantId_SpecificCustomerJourney_PaySSL.xsl + xml
    • MerchantId_SpecificCustomerJourney_PaySDD.xsl + xml

The ZIP-file has to contain this structure:

FilenamesCommon directory structure

Payment Page template

XSL-Template:                MerchantID_PaymentPage.xsl
XML-Textdatei:               MerchantID_PaymentPage.xml

XSL-Template mit Freitext:    MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaymentPage.xsl
XML-Template mit Freitext:   MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaymentPage.xml

Each ZIP file has to use this directory structure:

  • /
  • ./
  • css/
  • images/
  • js/
  • paygate/
  • templates/

Additionally a directory "data" can be used, e.g. to store translations.

Top level:

Sub directory:

Credit Card template (PaySSL)

XSL-Template:                MerchantID_PaySSL.xsl
XML-Textdatei:               MerchantID_PaySSL.xml

XSL-Template mit Freitext:    MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaySSL.xsl
XML-Template mit Freitext:   MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaySSL.xml

Direct Debit template (PaySDD)

XSL-Template:                MerchantID_PaySDD.xsl
XML-Textdatei:               MerchantID_PaySDD.xml

XSL-Template mit Freitext:    MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaySDD.xsl
XML-Template mit Freitext:   MerchantID_MyPurpose_PaySDD.xml

Template Security – allowed links and tokens

For security reasons links are only allowed to specific websites (e.g. to refer to terms and conditions, imprint, ...):


and these CData tokens are not allowed within XML, XSL:

  • @
  • <&
  • data:
  • document.write
  • xmlhttprequest


Template Manager error messages

ClassificationScanning messageCauseAdvise
  • Loss of internet connection
  • Timeout while processing of template file
  • Processing error
  • Please check internet connection and repeat upload
  • If you still have issues, please contact Axepta Helpdesk
  • Template file is not a ZIP-file
  • Please pack your template directory as a ZIP-file - without password and upload new file
  • Template file is too big
  • Please ensure that your template file is not larger than 5 MByte
  • Template filename is too short

  • Fixed value "Template" is missing in filename
  • Value Date (format YYYYMMDD) is missing, has wrong format or does not match todays date.
  • Value Counter (i.e. Version) is wrong or missing
  • Value MID (i.e. MerchantId) is wrong or missing or does not match your own MerchantId
  • Folder "images" can not be found
  • The XML or XSL file can not be found
  • The hidden field "Data" is missing in your XSL file
  • Please ensure that hidden field "Data" is present
  • Tag "xml:base" is used – but not allowed
  • Please use fill links instead of Base-URL links within your template file
  • Linking via "src" is used – but not allowed
  • Please remove the links
  • If the links are absolutely required please contact Axepta Support
  • Linking via "href" is used – but not allowed
  • Script file is not found or referenced from external source
  • Please ensure that the script file location is correct (see Naming conventions) and not referenced/included from external location
  • Suspicious tokens have been found in XSL file
  • Suspicious tokens have been found in XML file
  • The XML structure is invalid
  • The XSL structure is invalid
  • An error occured while transforming from XML/XSL to XSLT because XML and/or XSL file are not valid
  • An error occured while distributing file within cluster
  • If you still see this issue, please contact

  • No labels