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What should I do when I receive my AXEPTA BNP PARIBAS access data?

First, you will receive a welcome email from our support team AXEPTA BNP Paribas ( This email will inform you that you will receive, in few minutes, an encrypted email containing your confidential access data.

The encrypted email looks as follows: (this email contains a reference number, see below)

To access to the content of the encrypted email :

  1. Right clic on the attached file (
  2. Save it in the location of your choice on your computer.

3. Go to the, previously saved, file and right clic on 7-ZIP then clic on Extract here

Note:  If you don’t have 7-ZIP on your computer, use an equivalent app like WINZIP.

4. A window will appear asking for a password. Enter the password that you’ve received on your phone from BNP_Paribas.

Note : If you have many shops, the message on your phone contains a reference number mentioned in the encrypted email.

5. Once the password entered, a file called «BodyText » will appear in your folder (format .htm). Double-clic on it and open it with your preferred browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari…).

You will finally have access to a page containing your access data:

  • Merchant ID
  • Blowfish encryption key
  • HMAC key

These 3 data will allow you to integrate the AXEPTA BNP Paribas payment solution.