Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Last connector version: 1.7.0

#### V1.7.0

  • Create a new transaction when receiving a successful IPN for a previously failed transaction
  • Verify PayId mismatch before sending duplicate payment notification

#### V1.6.0

  • Add EtiId on surveys/reverse/credit operations
  • Add email alert
  • Added a manual capture function
  • Update php requirement from 7.4 to >7.4 to allow V6 compatibility

Functional coverage

  • Cardpaymentwith3DSV2
  • Alternativepayments(ALI,WEC,UPI,BAN,PAL)
  • Choiceofintegrationinremotepageorviaaniframe
  • Refundmanagement
  • Personalizationviatemplate
  • Personalizationvia'custom'fields


  • Proximis version 5.13 or higher.
  • Php version 7.4 or higher.


The Module is now moved to a composer third-party Plugin.

If you installed the module with an archive, you need to uninstall it with the following command. php bin/change.phar proximis:plugins -v disable module_Project_Axepta

Add the third-party Clever Age repository by adding the following to your composer.json

Code Block
        {          "type": "composer",          "url": ""        }

Add the module in the require part of your composer.json

Code Block
{"require": {        "cleverage/axepta": "^1"    }}

Then run your update.bash script.

Install the plugin. php bin/change.phar proximis:plugins -v enable CleverAge_Axepta

In your project configuration, make sure to have the logger by service to see this module logs in log/proximis.axepta.log

Code Block
"Logger": {      "Writer": {        "fileByService": true      }    },


Create the connector from the back office. /admin.php/Rbs/Commerce/Connector/

General properties tab.

The field titre sur le site will be visible by the customer, the label, only in the backoffice.

The field code is used to identify the connector in the code base.

The field description can contain formatted text, images and links.

The field visuel allows the display of an image next to the titre sur le site.

The field critère d’application allows setting specific rules to display the connector.

The field instruction de paiement can contain formatted text, images and links.

Technical properties tab.

Select for the connector type : Connecteur de paiement Axepta

Some information about your current environnement is displayed. Make sure to use the appropriate configuration keys.

  • Configuration keys : This information is provided by BNP.

  • Connector Options : Select your options for this connector.

  • Template personnalisé

Allow to use Axepta custom page, see :

“Template”, “CCTemplate” et SDDTemplate” parameters are available.

  • Currencies : Select allowed currencies for this connector.
  • Payment modes : Select allowed payment modes for this connector.

To have this payment mode available in the checkout, you need to add it to the checkout process. /admin.php/Rbs/Commerce/Process/

You can create multiple connectors with a different configuration. You can have a connector dedicated to one payment mode for example.

You can create multiple connectors with a different configuration. You can have a connector dedicated to one payment mode for example.

Transactions monitoring

From the url admin.php/Rbs/Order/Transaction/ select a transaction to see it’s technical details.

Refunds management 

When an order is cancelled, it is eligible for a refund.

From the url ua.php/financial/ in the refund detail page, select the action ‘traiter’ and confirm.

The query is sent to Axepta and the operation result can be found in the timeline section.

If an error occurs, a message will be displayed.

If the refund is accepted, you can validate it by selecting ‘traitement manuel’

Developer Documentation :

Added a new payment method.

The documentation of alternative payment modes are available in the following page.

You should take exemple on already implemented payment mode.

  1. Add a new class for each payment mode you want to add in App/Modules/Project/Axepta/PaymentModes.

This class will need to extend the PaymentModeBase and declare the buildDeportedPageQuery method.

Code Block
public static function buildDeportedPageQuery(\Rbs\Payment\Documents\Transaction $transaction, $connectorId, \Rbs\Website\Documents\Website $website, \Project\Axepta\Events\Documents\AxeptaEngine $engine): string {    $paymentRequest = parent::prepareDefaultPaymentRequest($transaction, $connectorId, $website, $engine);     // PAYMENT_URL is specific to the payment mode and available in the documentation.    $paymentRequest->setUrl(self::PAYMENT_URL);     return parent::validateAndBuildQueryString($paymentRequest, $engine, $transaction, $website);  }

Depending on the payment mode required parameters you will need to add them to the $paymentRequest. (ie $paymentRequest→setAccOwner($accountOwner);)

     2. Add your payment trigram inside showPaymentModes() in the file App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Assets/Admin/directives.js

     3. Add your payment trigram inside getEnabledPaymentModes() in the file App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Events/Documents/AxeptaEngine.php

and to getDeportedPageQuery() in the file App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Http/Ajax/DeportedPageQuery.php

     4. Add the logo of the payment mode in the folder App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Assets/Theme/img/logos

The logo must be named after the trigram and the extension must be .png

Add of the FLOA Pay payment method

  • Add the connector 

To make FLOA payment methods (Deferred/ 3X/ 4X) available to your customers, you must configure a new connector from your BO at/admin.php/Rbs/Commerce/Connector/ and add it to the payment methods available in your payment process.

In the activation key section use the following key :





  • Connector configuration

 Here is an example configuration with the test values provided by Floa : 

  • Connector display with compatible modes

Once configured, the connector will display with the others.  FLOA buttons will display based on the min/max thresholds configured.

(info)  When clicking on a Floa logo, the user is redirected to a remote page. Fill in the information for an eligibility result (display page) then in the second step, the card information n(payment page) 

  • File page

  • Payment page

Test cards are available at : 

Add of the Apple Pay payment method

  • Apple Pay configuration 

Apple Pay is not supported by all devices and browsers, the list of supports is available here (use of Apple Pay JS). 

Here is what is implemented for the Axepta - Proximis connector : 

Devicesminimal versionbrowsers
MacmacOS 10.12 All
i Phone iOS 10All
  • Connector configuration 

To integrate with Apple Pay, two certificates are required, the merchant identification certificate and the payment processing certificate.

Apple Pay side

Merchant identifier

Create an Apple Pay merchant ID by following the Apple documentation 

Merchant Identification Payment Processing Certificate


Axepta BNP Paribas Support starts the configuration and sends the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) by email to the technical contact identified during the integration phase. It is thus requested the Apple developper Merchant Id of the customer, which must be provided to its chargé d'affairesresponsible business.

  • Axepta BNP Paribas support generates the . csr for the merchant
  • Using this . csr, generate the file apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt which will identify the merchant on the site
  • Send your integrator the file apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt obtained during the generation of your merchant ID so that it deposits it in the App/Config/.well-known . This will allow in your next deployment to place this file at the root of your site in order to have it verified by Apple.


Merchant Identification Certificate


This certificate is different from the files obtained in the previous step. For the second certificate, do not use the . csr generated by Axepta BNP Paribas support, but create a new one from a MAC, as indicated in the Apple documentation mentioned above.

  • Generate on a Mac a file a file. csr
  • From your Apple Developer Admin account generate a . cer certificate from the . csr file.
  • Retrieve this certificate. cer on the Mac and group it with the key to the . csr file in your keychain.
  • From this  grouping in your keychain create a file. p12
  • Then use this file. p12 to generate an ApplePay.crt.pem certificate file and a second file for the associated ApplePay.key.pem key (the file nomenclature must be respected).
  • Open the terminal and run the commands below to split the. p12 in key and certificate, where ApplePayMerchantID_and_privatekey.p12 is the name of your file. p12

openssl pkcs12 -in ApplePayMerchantID_and_privatekey.p12 -out ApplePay.crt.pem -clcerts -nokeys

openssl pkcs12 -in ApplePayMerchantIdentity_and_privatekey.p12 -out ApplePay.key.pem -nocerts
  •  Drop Drop these two . pem files in the App/Config/ApplePay directory of your project.

If  We recommend using a passphrase was used when generating the file pair. pem, it will have to be entered in the connector configuration in the Proximis Back-Office.


Make sure you have given the read access rights of these files to the server by changing their permissions

Proximis side

Payment connector

To allow your customers to pay via Apple Pay, you must activate the payment method in the connector configuration in Proximis :

You can then specify the different settings associated with Apple Pay: 

SettingsExpected value
Merchant ID Apple your merchant ID Apple Pay
Merchant country code

Merchant country code in ISO 3166 format (e.g. FR). This code is used to log in to payment.

Associated Apple documentation

Payment message 

Label displayed in Apple Pay payment sheet to describe the user’s payment.

Associated Apple documentation

Passphrase associated with the certificate

Passphrase associated with the Payment Processing Certificate . pem file pair. To indicate if a passphrase was used during the generation of these files.

Line label in the payment insert

Apple Pay SDK Statement

In the Proximis BO go to “Settings > Common > HTML Code” and click on the “Add HTML code” button :


Then declare the Apple Pay SDK in your document :

Save your document: 


Then go to the configuration of your payment page in the Proximis BO and declare a new block of type “HTML code” then fill in the previously created document containing the SDK as a parameter.


Make this contribution in all the translations of the payment page so that Apple Pay is available on each of them.

Payment front

Payment via Apple Pay is then available on your front connector :

When the Apple Pay button is clicked, the payment sheet will open :

How to customize the front template.

You can edit the twig file App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Assets/Theme/ng-template/project-axepta-payment.twig to remove the inline style and declare your own CSS rules.

How to declare new translations.

Right now the module is shipped with the fr_FR locale. But you can create a new folder for any locale. Take exemple on the files inside te folder App/Modules/Project/Axepta/Assets/I18n

You can always edit the translated strings from the translation

Available payment methods


PayPal testing 

If you would like to test PayPal in a test environnent, please follow the instructions in order to activate the Sandbox.