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Due to updates, this documentation may not be available between 12:00 and 12:30 CET on 12/03/2025. Thank you for your understanding.
Key | Format | Condition | Description | |
1 | skipThreeDS | string | O | Indicates whether and under which conditions authentication should be skipped or performed as data share only (dataOnly). By default, all transactions and SCA exemptions will be requested through EMV 3DS if not specified otherwise. Values accepted:
2 | threeDSExemption | object | O | Object detailing requested SCA exemptions. |
3 | challengePreference | string | C | Indicates the merchant's challenge preference for this transaction during 3DS authentication. Mandatory only after a Soft Decline to re-trigger the transaction with 3DS and challenge mandated. Default value Values accepted:
Note: This parameter is ignored when SCA Exemption requested (threeDSExemption parameter is present). |
Key | Format | Condition | Description | |
1 | exemptionReason | string | M | Designates the type of SCA exemption (e.g. Acquirer TRA or MIT) to be applied. Values accepted:
Note: Acquirer exemptions and other exemptions may be also requested through an authorization without authentication (i.e. EMV 3DS or EMV 3DS Data Only) depending on scheme specific rules. Note: The exemption |
2 | merchantFraudRate | integer | O | Merchant fraud rate in bps taking into account all Merchant sites and card volumes, calculated as per PSD2 RTS Article 19. The merchant fraud rate is optional and has to be calculated by the Acquirer. The submission of this data point might be beneficial to increase the level of confidence of the ACS/issuer into the ongoing transaction. Also, Issuers may use it to decide if a merchant should be eligible for the white listing exemption. |
{ "$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "threeDSPolicy", "description": "3DS Policy", "type": "object", "properties": { "skipThreeDS": { "type": "string", "enum": ["thisTransaction", "outOfScope", "dataOnly"] }, "threeDSExemption": { "type": "object", "properties": { "exemptionReason": { "type": "string", "enum": ["transactionRiskAnalysis", "delegatedAuthority", "lowValue", "trustedBeneficiary", "secureCorporatePayment"] }, "merchantFraudRate": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 99 } }, "required": ["exemptionReason"], "additionalProperties": false }, "challengePreference": { "type": "string", "enum": ["noPreference", "noChallenge", "requestChallenge", "mandateChallenge"] }, }, "additionalProperties": false }
{ "threeDSExemption": { "exemptionReason": "lowValue" } }
{ "challengePreference": "mandateChallenge" }