- Created by bnp-admin on 22. Mar 2022
Please note that all JSON objects must be Base64 encoded.
The platform validates JSON objects on all requests which contain parameter "MsgVer=2.0". This is independently of the fact whether 3DSecure2 is activated for your MerchantID.
Please make sure no empty parameters or objects are submitted. Under such circumstandes Payment platform assumes an error and rejects the transaction.
- Basics of Base64-encoding EN
- accountInfo EN
- acsRenderingType EN
- authenticationResponse EN
- browserInfo EN
- card EN
- challengeRequest EN
- country EN
- credentialOnFile EN
- customerInfo EN
- ipInfo EN
- merchantRiskIndicator EN
- phone EN
- priorAuthenticationInfo EN
- resultsResponse EN
- subMerchantPF EN
- threeDSData EN
- threeDSLegacy EN
- threeDSPolicy EN
- versioningData EN
- address EN
- externalPaymentData
- No labels