About Finland Online Bank Transfer
General information about Finland Online Bank Transfer
Process flow chart
Finland Online Bank Transfer, process flow
Paygate interface
Payment with Finland Online Bank Transfer via Paygate form interface
To make a payment with Finland Online Bank Transfer, go to the following URL:
Notice: For security reasons, Paygate rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore please use the correct data type for each parameter.
The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:
Parameter | Format | CND | Description |
MerchantID | ans..30 | M | MerchantID, assigned by Axepta. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too. |
TransID | ans..64 | M | Merchant transaction number, which must be unique |
RefNr | ans..40 | O | Unique reference number. Only characters a-zA-Z0-9,-_ are allowed. |
Amount | n..10 | M | Amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts <100 (smallest currency unit). |
Currency | a3 | M | Currency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217 Only EUR is permissible. |
MAC | an64 | M | Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm |
URLSuccess | ans..256 | M | Complete URL which calls up Paygate if payment has been successful. The URL may be requested only via port 443. This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between Paygate and shop, please use the parameter UserData. |
URLFailure | ans..256 | M | Complete URL which calls up Paygate if payment has been unsuccessful. The URL may be requested only via port 443. This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between Paygate and shop, please use the parameter UserData. |
Response | a7 | O | Status response sent by Paygate to URLSuccess and URLFailure, should be encrypted. For this purpose, transmit Response=encrypt parameter. |
URLNotify | ans..256 | M | Complete URL which Paygate calls up in order to notify the shop about the payment result. The URL may be requested only via port 443. It may not contain parameters: Use the UserData parameter instead. |
UserData | ans..1024 | O | If specified at request, Paygate forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop |
ReqID | ans..32 | O | To avoid double payments, enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction is submitted again with the same ReqID, Paygate will not carry out the payment, but will just return the status of the original transaction. Please note that the Paygate must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly. |
OrderDesc | ans..768 | M | Description of goods and prices. Intended purpose on the statement of account. |
SellingPoint | ans..50 | O | Selling point |
Service | ans..50 | O | products or service sold |
Channel | ans..64 | O | configuration channel of the PPRO contract (account and ContractID are stored in the system). If it exists, it may overwrite channels stored in the system |
Language | a2 | O | 2-letter language code (e.g.. de) that should be preferred when presenting payment pages to the consumer |
AccOwner | ans..50 | M | Name of account holder |
Plain | ans..50 | O | A value to be set by the merchant to return some information unencrypted, e.g. the MID |
Custom | ans..1024 | O | The merchant can submit several values separated by | which are returned unencrypted and separated by &. Custom=session=123|id=456 will change in the answer to Session=123&id=456 |
Parameters for payments with Finland Online Bank Transfer
The following table describes the result parameters that the Paygate transmits to your URLSuccess, URLFailure or URLNotify. If you have specified the Response=encrypt parameter, the following parameters are forwarded Blowfish encrypted to your system:
Parameter | Format | CND | Description |
MID | ans..30 | M | MerchantID, assigned by Axepta |
PayID | an32 | M | ID assigned by Paygate for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files. |
XID | an32 | M | ID for all single transactions for one payment assigned by Paygate |
TransID | ans..64 | M | Merchant’s transaction number |
RefNr | ans..40 | O | Merchant’s unique reference number. Only characters a-zA-Z0-9,-_ are allowed. |
Status | a..30 | M | OK in the case of URLSuccess and AUTHORIZE_REQUEST or FAILED in the case of URLFailure |
Description | ans..1024 | M | Further details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the status analysis! |
Code | n8 | M | Error code according to Paygate Response Codes (A4 Error codes) |
MAC | an64 | M | Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm |
UserData | ans..1024 | O | If specified at request, Paygate forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop |
PaymentGuarantee | a..12 | C | NONE = no payment guarantee, VALIDATED= customer account valid, but no payment guarantee, FULL= payment guarantee Notice: This parameter is only returned if the Status=OK. |
ErrorText | ans..256 | C | Detailed PPRO error message. Notice: Is returned only if Status=FAILED. Use is possible only in agreement with Axepta support. |
TransactionID | an..20 | O | Unique transaction number from PPRO |
Plain | ans..50 | O | A value to be set by the merchant to return some information unencrypted, e.g. the MID |
Custom | ans..1024 | O | The merchant can submit several values separated by | which are returned unencrypted and separated by &. Custom=session=123|id=456 will change in the answer to Session=123&id=456 |
Return parameters for URLSuccess, URLFailure and URLNotify with Finland Online Bank Transfer