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About Apple Pay

What is Apple Pay


Apple Pay is a digital wallet for storing payment details, providing an easy and secure way to pay in iOS applications, websites running on Safari browser and contactless POS terminals. In applications and on websites, users can quickly and securely provide their payment, shipping, and contact information to check out.  Apple Pay’s simplicity increases conversion rates and new user adoption that come with it.

Apple Pay solution supports following scenarios:

  • In-application payments (also part of the SDK)
  • Web payments

Notice: Regarding the liability shift in case of the card processing, please contact your Acquirer directly. Because is not a direct contract partner, your Acquirer should specify the liability shift rules for each card brand.

Web payment

Apple Pay is available on all iOS devices with a Secure Element running iOS 10 or later. For macOS devices, users must be running macOS 10.12 or later, and have a Mac with Touch ID or an Apple Pay iPhone compatible or Apple Watch to authorize the payment.

Apple Pay is available through Safari on macOS. On iOS, Apple Pay is available in-app, on Safari, and as of iOS 16, websites displayed through a webviews (including third party browsers and social media apps)

To enable Apple Pay on your website it must comply with the Apple Pay Acceptable Use Guidelines, and be served over https://. you will find Apple's documentation right below: 

In-app payment

Apple Pay can be used for payments within the iOS applications. The main advantage of Apple Pay is that it is frictionless process with no need to re-type credit card data, shipping or billing address, which can be cumbersome on the smaller iPhone screens. Customer just choose to checkout with Apple Pay and confirms the payment with Touch ID.

Merchants can also use’s SDK for facilitating the in-app payment integration, making it easier and faster.

Apple Pay requirements:

Apple Pay in-app payments are supported on all iOS devices with a Secure Element.

Process flow chart

Apple Pay process flow

Presenting the Apple Pay button

Within apps, PassKit provides the API’s that your app will use to determine if it is running on a device with a Secure Element and if the device has been provisioned with payment cards that you support. On websites, WebKit provides APIs that allow your website to check if the individual has an Apple Pay capable device and if it is set up.

If the device is Apple Pay enabled you should present the Buy with Apple Pay button using APIs supplied within PassKit within apps and Webkit within Safari.


Presenting the Payment Sheet

When your user selects goods or services to buy, and selects Apple Pay as the payment method, you create a payment request and ask PassKit in apps or Webkit on your website to present the payment sheet to the user. The payment sheet must immediately follow the user tapping the Apple Pay button, without any interim screens or pop-ups except to prompt for necessary product details, such as size or quantity.

Your app specifies the contents of the payment sheet but it does not control the user’s interaction with the sheet. You must decide if it makes sense to present shipping and billing information, shipping method, and other line items to the user. You should only request the information necessary to process the transaction.


Processing Payments

Once authorized by the user, your app or website will receive a payment token object back from Apple Pay. The payment token encapsulates the information needed to complete a payment transaction, including the device-specific account number, the amount, and a unique, one-time-use cryptogram. The encrypted payment bundle will be decrypted by Axepta which then handles the whole transaction processing.


On this page

Step by Step Set-Up Guide for Apple Pay


  • Validate acquirer supports Apple Pay
  • How to obtain the CSR to generate the payment processing certificate
  • Where to send the generated certificate. (Currently not specified)

Configure Apple Pay on the Web

Configure Apple Pay 

Paygate interface

Calling the interface

Two transactions are created when making a credit card payment via Apple Pay. In the Apple Pay transaction the required credit card data are determined first and the actual credit card transaction is then carried out automatically. This takes place via a server-to-server connection and supports all usual credit card transaction options. The difference here, however, is that you don't transmit the credit card information, which you don't know. Instead, you transmit the PKPaymentToken generated by Apple Pay, which contains the required credit card data in encrypted form.

In order to make a credit card payment with Apple Pay, go to the following URL:

Notice: For security reasons, Axepta rejects all payment requests with formatting errors, please use the correct data type for each parameters. 

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

The table describes just basic parameters. It is also possible to include all credit card payment parameters (without credit card data). More information about this you can find within Card processing.

If you are processing Recurring or stored Credential on File transactions, please make sure to review all the necessary information in "COF Mandate Integration Guide".

If there are any specific parameters that are mandatory for credit card payment, these parameters are also mandatory for Apple Pay.

Parameters for Apple Pay

KeyFormatCND Description 
MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by Axepta. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30CUnique reference number. Mandatory in case that this parameter is mandatory for merchant's card processing.
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) 100 is the smallest currency unit
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP.
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm.
UserDataans..1024OIf specified at request, Paygate forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop.
RTFa1OEstablishment of Credential on File Agreement (Cardholder agrees that his card data can be stored for further transactions).

Determines the type and time of capture.

Capture ModeDescription
AUTOCapturing immediately after authorisation (default value).
MANUALCapturing made by the merchant. Capture is normally initiated at time of delivery.
<Number>Delay in hours until the capture (whole number; 1 to 696).
OrderDescans..64MDescription of purchased goods, unit prices etc.

Complete URL which Paygate calls up in order to notify the shop about the payment result. The URL may be called up only via port 443. It may not contain parameters: Use the UserData parameter instead.

  • We recommend to use parameter "response=encrypt" to get an encrypted response by Paygate
  • However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess/URLNotify. Therefore ensure to check the "code"-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of "code=00000000" should be considered successful.

Merchant Identifier of Public Key

Mandatory if more then one Merchant Identifiers are stored with Computo


Apple Pay PKPaymentToken as JSON string in the Base64 format

Example for TokenExt
 "paymentData": {
  "data": "GiZiyzsI6r6lnPYUeceR6itk2PDyBozl2Xy77c5u2X8Ze7l5EasyyH4Q6BoAevrvBfe0FnUNARBEXRySLwqqnpUHO6Du/amZEECRXxlrH91wFqH4oXry2CTDRu7TaIlmnR+s3ien5JI8iWo9hoEW7hyJOE7QGaS6rfR1CtQ4DWJEUq/tFnW98tj3kwKU6iOAAvE467boopMDGBS1fK5HzGXs4hH/6r+LPRfSOKBi1L5VWAexs9Bzw3ByyG69i52doRuFb1xOcMOJbmPg40hap13IjBW6dnj1phbsqP2i/JxvWPV3EcuqpuIoVZr5w53w//pPsl54kmeXNddIjVD5dIhhOKZ8AznD4eL2dbzkp6bic8xScBf3G8hrKXTRTL7V+KT2S+TQliHN0SNXrFu6B6o=",
  "header": {
      "publicKeyHash": "OgiD2qBTWYf/a+LDshFeQcPq6tOmePu0epHpP4ZkNicc=",
      "ephemeralPublicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEc/HxA3lJZrC+B0ITom0Iji+gFdn7ivGtpI+fl2u8n8XByPgBaVK2b44qUvsGigoNd0OFLNXo0Q07R2B54eIdS3A==",
      "transactionId": "156632b2aadf355d4958d9051a42bf62e07aea5716e72083aa64247944f6e3e14d"
  "version": "EC_v1"
 "paymentMethod": {
  "displayName": "MasterCard 0063",
  "network": "MasterCard",
  "type": "debit"
 "transactionIdentifier": "156632B2AAD12F355D4958D9051A42BF62E07AE5716E720AA6424794F6E3E14567D"

Channel over which the order is processed.

Allowed values are WEBSITE and MOBILE_APP


The following table describes the result parameters with which the Computop Paygate responds to your system

  • Please be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • The key (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
midans..30MMerchantID, assigned by Axepta
Description an32M

ID assigned by Paygate for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files

This ID refers to the credit card transaction unless an error occurs already at the Apple Pay transaction.

XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by Paygate
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment


ns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number
UserDataans..1024OIf specified at request, Paygate forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop.
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to Paygate Response Codes
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. 
schemeReferenceIDan64CCard scheme specific transaction ID required for subsequent credential-on-file payments, delayed authorizations and resubmssions.

Capture / Credit / Reversal

Captures, credits and reversals do not refer to the Apple Pay transaction but directly to the credit card transaction.

Batch processing via the interface

Captures, credits and reversals via batch do not refer to the Apple Pay transaction but directly to the credit card transaction.

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