Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In the demo project, the payment methods are presented in a tableView, including ApplePay. In the following code snippet is demonstrated the population of a cell, providing a title and an image of the respective payment method.

PaymentMethodTableViewCell * cell = [ self . tableView

dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier :@ "PaymentMethodTableViewCell" forIndexPath : indexPath ];

AxeptaPaymentMethod * paymentMethod = [[ self paymentMethods ]

objectAtIndex : indexPath . row ];

cell . labelTitle . text = paymentMethod . localizedDescription;

[ cell . paymentImageView setImage : paymentMethod . image ];


After the configuration of the SDK is completed and all necessary payment data are imported, you can proceed with the checkout for a selected payment method.

Start the checkout by instantiating a AxeptaCheckout object. The AxeptaCheckout class is a top-level class that facilitates the payment procedure. It is responsible for validating payment data and instantiating a AxeptaCheckoutViewController object when a new payment is triggered by passing the respective paymentMethod including the paymentData .

AxeptaCheckout * checkout = [[ AxeptaCheckout alloc ] init ];

Proceed with the checkout by presenting a AxeptaCheckoutViewController which is a subclass of UIViewController encapsulating all the views’ stack.

AxeptaPaymentMethod * paymentMethod = [[ self paymentMethods ]

objectAtIndex : indexPath . row ];

[ self . checkout instantiateCheckoutViewControllerWithPaymentMethod : paymentMethod

onSuccess :^( AxeptaCheckoutViewController

* checkoutViewController ) {

checkoutViewController . delegate = self;

// show the new chekoutViewController

// maybe push it on navigation stack

} onFailure :^( NSError * error ) {

// handle the error


Receive results from checkout by conforming to AxeptaCheckoutViewControllerDelegate and implementing its methods:

- ( void ) checkoutDidAuthorizePaymentForPaymentData :( id < AxeptaPaymentDataProtocol >) paymentData

withResponse :( AxeptaPaymentRespose *) response


( void ) checkoutDidFailToAuthorizePaymentForPaymentData :( id < AxeptaPaymentDataProtocol >) paymentData

withError :( NSError *) error withResponse :( AxeptaPaymentRespose *) response

- ( void ) checkoutDidCancelForPaymentData :( AxeptaPaymentData *) paymentData;

4.4.Apple Pay



  • To enable Apple Pay for your app in XCode, open the Capabilities pane. Select the switch in the Apple Pay row, and then select the merchant ID you want the app to use.

  • Insert “ Merchant ID ” in the AppDelegate.

#import "AppDelegate.h"

#import <Axepta.h>

@implementation AppDelegate

- ( BOOL ) application :( UIApplication *) application

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions :( NSDictionary *) launchOptions


AxeptaConfiguration . merchantAppleID = @ "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID";

return YES;


@end Testing Apple Pay transactions


Start Apple Pay by instantiating a AxeptaApplePay object. The AxeptaApplePay class is a top-level class that facilitates the Apple Pay payment procedure. It is responsible for validating payment data and instantiating a PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController object when a new payment is triggered by passing the respective paymentData and paymentMethod .

AxeptaApplePay * applePay = [[ AxeptaApplePay alloc ] init ];

applePay . delegate = self;

Setup PKPaymentSummaryItem objects:

PKPaymentSummaryItem * paymentSummaryItem1 = [[ PKPaymentSummaryItem alloc ] init ];

paymentSummaryItem1 . label = @ "SUMMARY_ITEM_1_LABEL";

paymentSummaryItem1 . amount = 'SUMMARY_ITEM_1_AMOUNT';

PKPaymentSummaryItem * paymentSummaryItem2 = [[ PKPaymentSummaryItem alloc ] init ];

paymentSummaryItem2 . label = @ "SUMMARY_ITEM_2_LABEL";

paymentSummaryItem2 . amount = 'SUMMARY_ITEM_2_AMOUNT';

PKPaymentSummaryItem * paymentSummaryItemTotal = [[ PKPaymentSummaryItem alloc ] init ];

paymentSummaryItemTotal . label = @ "Total";

paymentSummaryItemTotal . amount = 'TOTAL_AMOUNT';

Present the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController :

AxeptaPaymentMethod * applePayPaymentMethod = [[ Axepta sharedInstance ]

paymentMethodForID : @ "pm_applepay" ];

NSArray * supportedNetworks = @[ PKPaymentNetworkVisa , PKPaymentNetworkMasterCard ,

PKPaymentNetworkAmex , PKPaymentNetworkDiscover ];

[ self . applePay

instantiatePKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerWithPaymentMethod : self . paymentData

withPaymentSummaryItems : /*your array with PaymentSummaryItems*/

withSupportedNetworks : supportedNetworks

withRequiredShippingAddressFields : self . selectedPKShipping

paymentAuthorizationViewController :^( PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController

* applePayViewController ) {

// show apples pay view controller

[ self presentViewController : applePayViewController

animated : true

completion : nil ];

} onFailure :^( NSError * error ) {

// handle the error



Implement AxeptaApplePayDelegate protocol’s methods in order to get notified of navigation actions and on ApplePay payment’s result:

- ( void ) applePayDidDismiss {



( void ) applePayDidAuthorizePaymentForPaymentData :( id < AxeptaPaymentDataProtocol >) paymentDa

ta withResponse :( AxeptaPaymentRespose *) response {



( void ) applePayDidFailToAuthorizePaymentForPaymentData :( id < AxeptaPaymentDataProtocol >) pay

mentData withError :( NSError *) error withResponse :( AxeptaPaymentRespose *) response {


- ( void ) applePayPaymentDidSelectPaymentMethod :( PKPaymentMethod *) paymentMethod

completion :( void (^)( NSArray < PKPaymentSummaryItem *> *)) completion {


- ( void ) applePayPaymentDidSelectShippingContact :( PKContact *) contact completion :( void

(^)( PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus , NSArray < PKPaymentSummaryItem *> *)) completion {


4.4.3. iOS Human Interface Guidelines


For making payments with WeChat developer should use WeChat class with the public method: startPaymentWithPaymentData.

AxeptaWeChat *weChat = [[ AxeptaWeChat alloc ] init ];

[weChat startPaymentWithPaymentData :paymentMethod

success :^( NSData *data) {

} failure :^( NSError *error) {


4.6. PayPal

Developer first should declare the scheme that he will use to return to the merchant App.


To respond to requests made to the custom URL type, the application openURL method must be implemented in the application delegate. The openURL method should send a notification to Axepta in order to complete or cancel the PayPal checkout. The notification keys must be same as follows:

- ( BOOL )application:( UIApplication *)application openURL:( NSURL *)url

sourceApplication:( NSString *)sourceApplication

annotation:( id )annotation {

if ([url. scheme localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare : @"com.merchant.MerchantApp.PayPalReturn" ]

== NSOrderedSame ) {

if ([url. host localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare : @"return" ] == NSOrderedSame ) {

NSNotificationCenter * nc = [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ];

[nc postNotificationName : @"completePayPalCheckout" object : self userInfo : nil ];


else {

NSNotificationCenter * nc = [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ];

[nc postNotificationName : @"cancelPayPalCheckout" object : self userInfo : nil ];


NSLog ( @"%@" , url. host );

return YES ;


return NO ;


Important note : Developer should add to main project -l"PPRiskComponent" under the Build settings → Other linker flags the Magnes library used by Axepta.


To init PayPal and call the payment method developer should use the following code:

AxeptaayPal *payPal = [[ AxeptaayPal alloc ] init ];

[payPal startPaypalPay :paymentMethod

success :^( NSData *data) {

//Handle the succes

} failure :^( NSError *error) {

//Handle the failure
